~ Join Us Today ~
This Can Be Your Best Year Yet!


The Two of Harts' Gallery 2020

Showcasing the Arts

Original Music CDs / Web Publishing
/ Talent Showcasing

Do you write poetry, ... ... ... songs, ... ... ... paint, ... ... ... sing? ... ... ... Let us feature YOU on our Gallery!

The Network enables us to access talent
of all kinds in the entertainment world ...

We Showcase YOUR TALENT!

Sign Up Now!

~ The Gallery of the Arts ~

* * * * *

A place on the web to display your art or music ...

This is the way to reach your market!

Your original works can be purchased directly from you. (You furnish a link to your web site, an email address, a phone number.) We provide information and samples of your work with photos or sound files you provide. They contact you when they've seen samples of your works site.

You may qualify to be included in the next new CD collection of original music by a new crop of artists.

Please contact ICAP* for this exclusive sampling of exciting new music, by emailing the Gallery at Dustyshot@AOL.com .
*Intra~Coastal Arts & Production

Or for information about this exclusive sampling of exciting new music ...

Have Questions?

~ By a new artist! "Water Lilies" ~

~~ Show your work here on the Gallery, too! ~~
Email us to find out how!

... Samples of original works digitalized from the original
cassette taping can be showcased here.
List your songs for sale! Your work can be placed with your ad / photo to sample your original music, art, or writing.

Your art -- whatever medium --

Can be featured and sold similarly!

*About the Gallery of the Arts: The Gallery, through Intra~Coastal Arts and Productions and Gallery Publishing Design, has been a non-profit organization which has for over fifteen years aided new talent in finding direction and audience in their chosen medium, whether it be music, dance, visual or dramatic arts or related trades.

With the Two of Harts hosting showcases for new performers and songwriters' groups such as Tidewater Songwriters Association and the Songwriters' League of Virginia, and the ICAP Songwriters Association in Utah, and other songwriter groups in Utah and across the USA, innumerable new artists have begun their performance and creative years.

Having performed as a duo, and with their own bands, "Saddle Boogie" of Virginia and Salt Lake City, and "Full House" of Virginia, they have also helped liven up other bands, such as Suzie Arden's "Showband" and Gaylen Young's "Five Easy Pieces" and "Folkrangers!" Much of their music was recorded in excellent small studios, such as Smokey Lake Studios in Virginia Beach, and West Valley Productions in Utah. ICAP / GPE has also helped productive artists who have fallen into hard times and who have needed a support group, career counseling and,in the most extreme cases, actual temporal aid.

If you are interested in joining ICAP's network and showcase,
please contact us via Dusty@the2ofharts.com.

A brochure describing the numerous ways ICAP is available
to help you in your chosen art field is available.

(Please allow 6 weeks for delivery.)

Want to find out more?

Contact Gallery Publishing Design!

Thank you.

Designed by Gallery Publishing
ICAP ~ <3<3 ~
Internet Design Shop,
& by MSDOS !!!

To join the Gallery's ICAP Network
(Intra~Coastal Arts & Production Network)

Or HERE to purchase a CD of original music
by the artists such as those featured above for only

Contact the Gallery at Dusty@the2ofharts.com.
(Includes shipping and handling)

Email for information:


Click Here for a list of songs or to hear samples of the music.

Gallery Order Form - Click Here to Order Now!

Free Guestbook
Please Sign Our Guest Book!
Gallery Guest Book

Posey says: "Click my picture to go back
to the top of this page."